Thursday, November 15, 2012


A while after the dream of owning my own cabin changed into being something realistic and soon-to-happen, I started thinking about this other ol' daring dream of mine. This is one where I move to Los Angeles after high school, without any goals. I would just go there, get a job or volunteer or something, live like a hobo, meet some interesting people, experience a bunch of stuff and so on. Another classical, runwaway teenager dream, but that doesn't make it any less appealing or fantastic for me. The benefit of pursuing this dream first, compared to the cabin one, is that I would experience a heck lot more and save some dough probably. That doesn't mean I wont get a house in the woods sometime (and I'm not talking retirement age), but just that it is secondary to my L.A. dream, as things are now. I do change my mind a great deal of times though, but these dreams I've had for a long time, and I'm sure the experiences both would bring, would make the pursue and all very hard to regret.

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